Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

SCORE PORTUGAL ® processes personal data as part of its commercial activity. The processing of this data is carried out in compliance with current laws. The terms of this data processing are present in this document and they will only be processed with the unequivocal consent of the data subject.

The objective is to inform all users of the general data processing rules implemented by SCORE PORTUGAL ® within the scope of the provisions of personal data protection legislation, namely Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of April 27, 2016 ("RGPD").

What are personal data?

Personal data is any information, of any nature and regardless of its support, including sound and image, relating to an identified or identifiable singular person.

A singular person who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to a name, identification number, location data, electronic identifiers or to one or more specific elements of their physical, physiological, genetic identity, is considered identifiable. mental, economic, cultural or social.

Who is responsible for processing personal data?


Sublinhar Expectativas Unipessoal Lda.

Marinha Grande - Portugal

At any time, the data subject may request its portability, consultation, alteration or deletion via email lojascoreportugal@gmail.com or through the mechanisms available in the user area of the website www.lojascoreportugal.com

How are they collected and for what purpose are they used?

On the website www.lojascoreportugal.com, it requests information from the user in order to process orders, invoicing and accounting. The data subject registers on the website where he enters his name and email to create a user account. The following data will then be grouped into this account: names, emails, full addresses, tax information number and contact telephone number. This data is collected voluntarily, and for this it is necessary for the data subject to enter it on the platform. Likewise, all orders placed are registered. This data is intended for order processing, billing and accounting.

There is then other information collected involuntarily by the platform. Namely: IP address, dates and duration of access to the platform, pages and products viewed, unfinished shopping carts, favorite products, type of browser and device used to access the website, origin of visits to the website, searches carried out on the website or user location.

When placing orders, you are subject to payment of their value. These payments result in the collection of personal data.

If you contact SCORE PORTUGAL ® by telephone, we may also collect personal information if necessary and in the interest of both parties, for example for telephone orders or to provide subsequent information at the customer's request.

SCORE PORTUGAL ® may communicate personal data collected for the purpose of complying with legal obligations, namely to police, judicial, tax and regulatory entities.

Some data may be accessed by companies hired by SCORE PORTUGAL ® to comply with legal obligations, such as billing data that will be transmitted to the accounting company and the tax authorities.

The data may also be accessed by employees and external companies with which SCORE PORTUGAL ® maintains partnerships, for example for the maintenance of the website, billing processing, issuing payments, transport and delivery of orders, etc.

The data may be accessed by technological partners for sending emails, selling products online, communicating campaigns, processing payments and social activities.

Personal data is stored according to the purpose for which the information is processed. There are legal requirements that require data to be kept for a certain period of time, so whenever there is no legal requirement, the data will be kept for the minimum period necessary.

We guarantee the right to access, rectify, update, limit and delete your personal data, except when the data is essential for the provision of services or the fulfillment of legal obligations, the right to oppose the use of the same for commercial purposes and the withdrawal of consent, without this compromising the lawfulness of the processing carried out under that consent, as well as the right to data portability. The holder of personal data may exercise these rights through the contact details provided in this document.